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why i'm deactivate my facebook accaunt
Hello reader , i'm post in sabah, malaysia .
i just want all to know that my english was really horrible . like my teacher said . but i'm trying my best to post in english cause i want to improve my english because i want to take my my malaysian university english test (MUET) . i just got band 2 on my test and it just a moderately, because the highest is band 6 . so, at least i want to have band 4 , not to show off . i just want to prove that i also got an ability to get the more than what i have now . 


1. the main reason why i'm deactivate my facebook accaunt .

[you can see the post on my blog archive 12 march]
if you from other country u can translate it from Malay to english . 

2. because my mother told me don't post anymore post anything to facebook anymore

- why was i gave this reason ? because i'm totally a loyal son . hahaha. :p
- yeah i'm fuckin kinding actually if i did not post anything to my facebook wall it just will be a 'death facebook accaunt' because no update found . so, i'm better deactivate my facebook accaunt rather than be an 'death facebook' . right??

3. just want to remove my addict to fB .

- hey!! before this i playin fB almost for 24 more hours . it's kinda wasting of my time only.
- so, i want to learn how to appreciate the time . 
- but... wait ! fB also can make money !!! hahahaha !! ><

4. got no time, i want to focus on my work 

- actually i'm a KFC worker, but i dont wanna tell where the place that i work for . because later you will search the restourant . 

- my daily work hours everyday almost 8 - 12 a day . because our KFC restourant was lack of staff . i'm also got no time go to church every sunday . but for this weekend i've got an off day . yeahhhh!!! 

5. other 

- just want to be a mature guy . that have life, have girlfriend (i'm clash already). just want to have an ordinary time table that not always facing laptop everyday like a freak man . 

The conclusion is i've got only 5 reason that i can gave .

If my english suck please correct it not scream it . thank you ver much .

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