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it's been a while ~ >< ~
it's been a while that i didn't update my blog , hahhaa. anyway i just want to share about my experience while i having my chinese new holiday for 1 week .

i didn't take much pic because i'm not celebrebate this chinese new year . i just going back to village to help my father on his farm . here some pic

opps, upside down , can see it ?? yeah !! it was rubber tree . hahhaa !! >< ! 

yeah ~ today i'm visiting my father rubber tree farm that only in about 6.5 hektar. something like that. hehehe.  because i'm also don know the original scale . hehe. 

also have this pic 

is't she cute???? yea she my daugther . ow, seriously ?? she just my nephew la . hahaha. btw i like play wif here. very3 cute . this pic she playing wif my spec, haha. sory for my broken english . :p

here some pic for last christmast 2012

my beautiful sibling cousin . hehe. 

and have some soft beer only , how sad my christmast . :( ..

btw , thats all for today next time i will post more . just demand me what you all want to know . because i'm genius . ahahaha

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